David SooDavid Soo – piano

Beethoven Sonata in A flat, Op. 110
Liszt Petrarch Sonnets (Années de Pèlerinage, ‘Deuxième Année – Italie’)
Liszt Rhapsodie Espagnole

With many awards to his name, Australian pianist David Soo is at the start of what promises to be a brilliant international career.

David has performed in Australia, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, China, Malaysia and Indonesia and recently made debuts at London’s Barbican and at the Lixu Concert Hall in Beijing.

Highlights to date have included special performances for Her Majesty the Queen (at Goodenough College, the residence for British and international postgraduate students studying in London), for the Lord and Lady Mayor of London, for the Sheriffs and guest judges at the Old Bailey, for the Australian High Commissioner at Australia House , and for the former Prime Minister of Malaysia.

His performances have also been heard live on Australian Classic FM, New Zealand Classic FM and FMITE Spanish Radio. Forthcoming performances include Beethoven’s first and fourth concertos in Australia, as well as further performances in Australia, China and the UK.

Winner of the Melbourne Recital Centre’s Great Romantics Elisabeth Murdoch Prize, David is also the recipient of the Worshipful Company of Glass-Sellers of London Beethoven Prize at the Guildhall School, the City of Sydney’s Allison/Henderson Piano Scholarship, the Oxford Music Festival’s Professional Recital Prize, the Emmanuel Trophy Piano Competition and the Australian Music Foundation award.

He has also been a laureate in international piano competitions in France and Malaysia, the Australian National Piano Award and the 2014 Symphony Australia Young Performer Awards.

David completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne where he studied with Glenn Riddle and graduated with First Class honours before coming to study at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama with concert pianist and renowned teacher, Professor Joan Havill. He subsequently completed a Guildhall Artist Masters Degree, and most recently achieved an Artist Diploma with distinction. He is currently a fellow at the Guildhall.

David’s studies are generously sponsored by the Australian Music Foundation, Help Musicians’ UK, the Zetland Foundation, the Mary Elizabeth McComas Scholarship, and the Youth Music Foundation Australia.