Benjamin AlardBenjamin Alard – clavichord

Attributed to Heinrich Scheidemann Lachrymae Pavan after John Dowland
Johan Jakob Froberger Toccata II in d minor
Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer Prelude VIII and Chaconne in G Major
Dietrich Buxtehude Prealudium in g minor BuxWV 163
JS Bach Sonata in d minor BWV 964 (Adagio, Fuga-Allegro, Andante, Allegro)
CPE Bach 12 Variations über die Folies d’Espagne H.263

Benjamin Alard studied organ at the Conservatory of Rouen and harpsichord with Elizabeth Joyé in Paris, before going to the Schola Cantorum, Basel. He won the 2004 International Harpsichord Competition in Bruges and performs on both harpsichord and organ in Europe, Japan and North America. Benjamin is organist of the Bernard-Aubertin organ in St. Louis-en-l’Ile, Paris.